Diversity at ADAE Salon

To our amazing clients, 

We have had several people reach out to us with concern regarding lack of diversity in our newly announced Beauty Crew.  I just wanted to take a minute to address everyone who has concerns whether or not they have voiced them.

First, I want to say THANK YOU.  We hear you.  Although we do put a lot of thought into our photos + words, we realize now that we are lacking in some areas. Now is a time for reflection, change, and improvement; a movement that we absolutely want to be a part of. 

The Beauty Crew program was created as a marketing tool. We believe that the best form of marketing for our salon is word of mouth! The majority of the Beauty Crew members are existing clients of the salon. The only “requirements” that we asked of the applicants were:

- passionate about the beauty industry
- believe in community over competition
- have a strong social media presence

When we selected our first group we did our best to choose women of varying ages (college, young professionals, + moms in their 30’s+) as well as a mix of brunettes + blondes, and different hair lengths. Unfortunately, we did not have any women of color apply for the program in the first round. We reflected and realized that WOC may not see themselves represented on our feed, which is something we want to change going forward. Choosing all white women was not an intentional choice, as we chose only from those who applied. That being said, if you or someone you know is a woman of color and would be a good fit for this program, we personally invite you to please apply on our website! Beauty Crew contracts are renewed every 2 months to make sure that it is a good fit on both ends. The application is an open door as we anticipate that we’ll have to adjust the group over time.

Going forward …

We realize that when you look at our feeds it may not appear that there is diversity. Oftentimes you cannot tell someone’s ethnicity from the back of their head, which is mainly what our feed features. This may discourage people from booking at ADAE Salon as well as applying for the Beauty Crew program; whether it is due to the color of their hair, the color of their skin, the texture of their hair, etc.

Our commitment going forward is to intentionally include content that represents diversity.  As our mission says:

At ADAE, we are dedicated to providing exceptional service in a friendly, relaxing environment. We aim to provide the highest level of satisfaction to our clients, and take seriously our commitment to treat each guest with respect and integrity. ADAE Salon will always be a place where we help our clients look and feel their very best.

We will happily provide ANY service to ANY person that we feel confident in having educational backing for. We hope that you continue to follow along and see our exciting changes in the future!

-Anna Joyce, owner

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